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Inclusive and equitable supply chains are more resilient. Growing legislation calls for action. Finding the right solutions can be complex.

Equal Origins’ helps companies evaluate risk and understand your opportunity to drive change.
Over nearly ten years, we’ve worked with dozens of companies, development partners, farmer organizations and government agencies to build more inclusive programs. Our approach builds on decades of experience working alongside supply chain partners in seventeen countries.
More than 150 individuals have responded to the Gender Equity Index diagnostic and learning framework. Since January 2023, 100 industry allies have participated in our Better Together Workshops, resulting in 31 organizations that have solid Gender Equity Development Plans in place to guide their teams and programs.
Beyond these core programs, Equal Origins services include:
- Human Rights Risk Assessment
- Stakeholder Engagement / Gender Analysis
- Policy development
- GESI strategy development
- Gender-responsive budgeting
- Equity planning and development
- Household Methodologies
- Women’s leadership training program design and plan
- Training of trainer for agronomists
- Market activation
Contact us to request a consultation:
Interested in getting involved with our work on the ground?
Equal Origins seeks collaboration and investments from industry partners, development organizations, researchers, and donors to fund and implement these pilot projects:
- Coffee companies who will lead a pilot initiative within their supply chain operations. This requires investment of a company’s own resources to fund part of the pilot.
- Bilateral, multilateral, or private donors who will supplement industry investments in these pilots, and fund technical assistance and research costs of pilot projects.
- Other industry and development partners including certifiers and development organizations to provide technical assistance, research, and implementation guidance.
As part of our commitment to Pilot Project Partners, Equal Origins will work with all participating industry members to collaboratively design, manage, implement, and evaluate the impact of all pilot initiatives. In addition to directly funding on-the-ground activities with producer communities, a portion of funds for the pilot projects will be set aside to ensure proper management and coordination. PGE will highlight industry partners’ participation through social media and at public events and presentations.
Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.